Ultimi giorni per decidere liste e candidati. Sono in corso dure battaglie fratricide per trovare un posto, il più possibile “sicuro”. La ghigliottina delle esclusioni e dell’incertezza pende su molte teste, anche illustri.
Siccome la nuova legge elettorale (un mix niente affatto ben fatto di uninominale e proporzionale) non è stata mai sperimentata, tutti i partiti hanno timori per gli effetti manipolabili fino a un certo punto. Esperti di meccanismi elettorali e sondaggisti, prevedono un nord – salvo eccezioni a mo’ di mosche bianche – monopolio del centrodestra, un centro forse appannaggio del Pd (Toscana, Umbria, Lazio con la ex storica Emilia Romagna “rossa” in bilico), un sud a dominio 5 Stelle, briciole proporzionali infine per Liberi e uguali e altre liste salvo eccezioni.
Il centrodestra, dopo vari tira e molla, ha spostato il baricentro verso la destra di Salvini e Meloni e non in direzione del centro del Partito popolare europeo. Da qui il calcione nel sedere rifilato da Berlusconi a Stefano Parisi (Energie per l’Italia), che solo un anno fa sembrava il candidato più gettonato alla leadership centrista. E qualche calcio lo hanno ricevuto pure altri centristi (Fitto, Lupi, eccetera), pur trovando un posto in lista e giocando con i dadi a sorte per l’esito finale. Berlusconi vuole comunque fare il pieno dei voti. Per questo ha stretto un patto perfino con gli animalisti di Vittoria Brambilla, per cui ha un debole (politico) da molti anni, e vorrebbe recuperare al Senato finanche Umberto Bossi rottamato da Salvini.
L’ex Cavaliere si dice convinto che il premier verrà indicato dopo il voto da Forza Italia (intervista al Corriere della Sera di domenica) in quanto risulterà il partito più votato della coalizione di centrodestra. Ma è difficile credere che Berlusconi non pensi alla carta di riserva “alla Merkel”: presentarsi in Europa con Salvini e Meloni non è un bel biglietto da visita. Bisognerà attendere il 29 gennaio per avere la lista completa dei candidati e capire i rapporti di forza possibili tra le tre anime del centrodestra. Pd e Forza Italia (più satelliti) avranno invece i numeri per una soluzione tedesca? L’interrogativo resterà senza risposta fino alla sera del 4 marzo. Se i numeri fossero in bilico, sono in pochi però a credere che si riandrà al voto a breve: con i tempi che corrono, chi conquista uno scranno in Parlamento fa un salto di status e di tenore di vita a cui non si rinuncia per rigore etico o coerenza politica. Ci sarà dunque tanto pane per i denti di tutti i trasformismi possibili e immaginabili.
Il Pd – stretta l’alleanza con Emma Bonino (più Europa), Insieme (Verdi, socialisti e prodiani), centristi (la ministra uscente Lorenzin) – cerca di limitare i danni. C’è chi lo vuole sconfitto fin dai nastri di partenza. Per questo il battaglione dei ministri del governo verranno disposti in posizioni strategiche: Gentiloni a Roma, Del Rio a Reggio Emilia, Padoan nel Lazio, Orlando a La Spezia e Campania, Pinotti a Genova e Liguria, Minniti nel Lazio o nelle Marche, Franceschini in Emilia Romagna e a Ferrara, eccetera eccetera. Renzi si candida a Firenze all’uninominale e in due collegi
proporzionali (uno al nord e uno al sud). Le candidature anche nel Pd sono studiate con il bilancino: pochi posti sicuri, pochi posti alla minoranze (dove si candida Cuperlo?), varie deroghe per chi ha già fatto tre legislature. La candidatura alla Merkel di Gentiloni intanto cresce per popolarità (pare) e sondaggi: lui dà garanzie di stabilità e niente colpi di testa.
I candidati dei 5 Stelle sono fino a un certo punto una sorta di poker. Nessuno crede alle autocandidature delle “parlamentarie” del web (si sono presentati in 15 mila). Di Maio e Casaleggio hanno valutate attentamente le autopromozioni e le conferme sapendo che nel caso assai probabile di essere primo partito le mosse successive non possono essere lasciate al caso e all’improvvisazione, bisogna controllare i gruppi parlamentari. Il vero brivido lo avremo quando Gigino Di Maio presenterà la lista dei ministri.
In grande sofferenza, infine, Liberi e uguali. I posti sono pochi per chi si prevede ottenga un 7-8 per cento. Bisogna accontentare Grasso, Boldrini, D’Alema, Bersani, Fratoianni, quelli del Brancaccio
(almeno Anna Falcone) e le rispettive lobby oltre quella minuscola di Pippo Civati. Poi bisogna decidere chi provare a confermare tra i deputati e i senatori uscenti. Si lavora perciò alle liste come a un rompicapo tra veti e obblighi reciproci.
Oltre al numero delle candidature da suddividere tra componenti diverse, i problemi politici sono grandi per Liberi e uguali. Governo “del presidente” per il futuro post elettorale (senza Renzi ovviamente, come vorrebbe tuttavia D’Alema) o solo per fare una ennesima legge elettorale e tornare al voto (come afferma Grasso) o, in alternativa, rapporto privilegiato fino a
una possibile maggioranza con i 5 Stelle (come vorrebbe Fratoianni e non dispiacerebbe a Bersani e Grasso)? Come se non bastasse, su Liberi e uguali c’è pure l’ombra concorrente di Potere al popolo, lista promossa da Rifondazione comunista, Centri sociali e gruppi della sinistra radicale. Ci sarà il risultato a due cifre come auspicato da D’Alema?
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https://vk.com/topic-501392_40506279 Букмекеры принимают ставки при игре на скачках и бегах, на результаты различных спортивных, политических, культурных, финансовых, погодных и прочих событий. https://vk.com/topic-900150_41097471 Ничего не поменялось и в Лондоне. https://vk.com/topic-174652478_40733533 Публикация заказа на фриланс бирже не займет много времени. https://vk.com/topic-904754_40175312 Bwin регулярно предлагает своим игрокам супер коэффициенты на наиболее популярные события. https://vk.com/topic-901043_41040371 Действительно, если ваша серия не затягивается и вам удается держать каждый новый догон в пределах 5-7 итераций, то ваш банк будет расти. https://vk.com/topic-905963_40995219 Все элементы финансовой отчетности связаны между собой и отражают разные аспекты одних и тех же хозяйственных операций и явлений. https://vk.com/topic-901097_43857265 Клиент имеет в распоряжении максимум 7 дней с даты регистрации для участия в этой акции. https://vk.com/topic-301286_40015585 Медведев длинную серию без поражений провел, Надалю вообще требуется больше времени для отдыха, и у него сейчас есть травма. https://vk.com/topic-901065_40868690 Если вы хотите делать ставки в легальной российской конторе, то обязательным условием является предварительная идентификация личности игрока. https://vk.com/topic-300153_41113849 По функционалу версия букмекера для телефонов не уступает десктопной. https://vk.com/topic-904674_40170415 При этом сумма ставки игрока должна быть более 10$. https://vk.com/topic-502368_40891910 Хозяева вынуждены выпустить на поле первую команду, так как их молодежь накануне участвовала в юношеском Кубке Англии. https://vk.com/topic-502315_40929076 Отзывы показывают, что время ответа составляет от 1 до 3 минут. https://vk.com/topic-904754_40144940 Помимо этого, каждая дисциплина имеет свои особые линии: например, в случае с Dota 2 можно предугадать, кто первым убьет Roshan, сделает First Blood или разрушит башню. https://vk.com/topic-900252_40400368 Общие ограничения, которые есть у букмекеров для ставки системы, практически один в один повторяют рамки для обычных экспрессов.
https://vk.com/topic-304328_40887254 РЎСѓРјРјР° первого депозита должна быть РЅРµ меньше 10 EUR или эквивалент РІ РґСЂСѓРіРѕР№ валюте). https://vk.com/topic-901078_40772434 РќР° дистанции РѕРЅР° гарантирует для казино прибыль, Р° для РёРіСЂРѕРєРѕРІ – проигрыш. https://vk.com/topic-900150_41114189 РќР° фоне всего вышеописанного Рё изучив отзывы РЅР° форумах сразу же возникают РІРѕРїСЂРѕСЃС‹: Р° реально ли заработать РЅР° вилках, сколько можно заработать Рё черт побери, если РІСЃРµ так Р·РґРѕСЂРѕРІРѕ, почему же РІСЃРµ поголовно РЅРµ занимаются этими вилками? https://vk.com/topic-301394_40266510 Стратегия работает РїСЂРё коэффициентах РѕС‚ трех Рё выше. https://vk.com/topic-905858_40799582 Правильные коэффициенты — это плюс РЅР° дистанции. https://vk.com/topic-305105_40919969 РћРЅ играл СЃ преимуществом, РЅРѕ РѕРіСЂРѕРјРЅРѕРµ количество моментов РЅРµ реализовал. https://vk.com/topic-901104_40209785 Соответственно новый РёРіСЂРѕРє РїСЂРёС…РѕРґРёС‚ РІ ту или РёРЅСѓСЋ букмекерскую контору, открывает виртуальный счет Рё начинает набираться опыта, РЅРµ СЂРёСЃРєСѓСЏ СЃРІРѕРёРјРё собственными деньгами. https://vk.com/topic-900265_40804556 Например, РїСЂРё выигранной ставке 500 рублей СЃ коэффициентом 1,50, РЅР° Ваш счет будет зачислено только 250 рублей. https://vk.com/topic-900181_40161855 Данный букмекер стал РѕРґРЅРёРј РёР· первых РІ Р РѕСЃСЃРёРё, который начал принимать ставки live (РІ далеком 2004 РіРѕРґСѓ). https://vk.com/topic-302158_40888649 Поставить РЅР° то, что Симеоне возглавит «Арсенал», можно Р·Р° 8,0. https://vk.com/topic-904794_40139524 Есть РѕРґРЅР° хорошая стратегия. https://vk.com/topic-900140_41140589 Букмекерские конторы РіРѕРІРѕСЂСЏС‚, что команда еще далека РѕС‚ лучшей формы. https://vk.com/topic-901079_40387439 РњС‹ Р С—РЎР‚Р С‘Р Р…Р С•РЎРѓР С‘Р С РЎРѓР Р†Р С•Р С‘ извинения, Р Р…Р С• доступ Р С” запрашиваеРСРѕРСРЎС“ ресурсу ограничен. https://vk.com/topic-901097_43936464 Р’ наличии основная информация Рѕ поведении команд Рё спортсменов РЅР° протяжении сезона. https://vk.com/topic-902102_40414677 Р’С‹ должны запомнить главное правило успешного РёРіСЂРѕРєР°: РџСЂРѕРіРЅРѕР·РёСЃС‚ пытается угадать результат РёРіСЂС‹.
https://vk.com/topic-900150_41089409 РРіСЂРѕРє считает, что РІ первом матче выиграет «Тоттенхэм», Р° РІРѕ втором — «Барселона». https://vk.com/topic-902106_39931297 Создатели ресурса внедрили возможность настройки сайта, которые активируются нажатием РЅР° шестеренку: Можно изменить интерфейс сайта В«FonbetВ» РґРѕ компактных размеров, настроить отображение меню событие РІРѕ вкладке «Линия». https://vk.com/topic-900144_40140875 Рђ РїРѕ последним матчам РїСЂРё Тедеско РјС‹ РІРёРґРёРј, какую роль РѕРЅ играет. https://vk.com/topic-904945_40852449 Выбор букмекера нужно делать тщательно – проверить сайты нескольких контор, посмотреть РёС… линии (перечень предлагаемых ставок), протестировать РЅР° скорость работы Рё качество техподдержки. https://vk.com/topic-304101_40280176 Для РёРіСЂРѕРєРѕРІ футбольных ставок душевное равновесие Рё психология – это, пожалуй, самые главные составляющие успеха. https://vk.com/topic-502368_40927039 Если РІ матче хозяева забьют СЂРѕРІРЅРѕ 2 гола, РїРѕ ставке делается возврат. https://vk.com/topic-905739_40436712 Ркспресс: РќРµ разыгранные ставки Снукер Открытый чемпионат Северной Ррландии. https://vk.com/topic-901097_43837415 Р’ разные районы РіРѕСЂРѕРґР°. https://vk.com/topic-905963_41041442 Минимальная СЃСѓРјРјР° пополнения баланса составляет 70 рублей (для мобильных платежей). https://vk.com/topic-504422_40463271 Ставки РЅР° лошадиные скачки принимают практически РІСЃРµ крупные букмекерские конторы. https://vk.com/topic-301394_40229914 Существует СЃ 2007 РіРѕРґР°, РЅР° протяжении нескольких лет активно развивается. https://vk.com/topic-501104_40251060 Аналогично СЃ РґСЂСѓРіРёРјРё значениями форы. https://vk.com/topic-902108_40856207 Нетрудно подсчитать, что тотал составил 183 гейма. https://vk.com/topic-301155_40922238 Часто РѕРЅР° еще называется «суперэкспресс». https://vk.com/topic-900134_40123695 Р’ противном случае лицензию РЅР° открытие букмекерской конторы никто РЅРµ выдаст.
https://vk.com/topic-900181_40190949 Самые высокие коэффициенты только Сѓ линии, маржа составляет здесь всего 7%. https://vk.com/topic-900150_41047401 Р’ большинстве случаев беттер имеет определенный стиль РёРіСЂС‹ Рё стратегию, которые включают 2-5 типов ставок. https://vk.com/topic-901098_40836898 Время отыгрыша ограничено Рё оговаривается правилами акции. https://vk.com/topic-305105_40911042 Выше него РІ рейтинге только РѕРґРёРЅ хоккеист — немец Драйзайтль РёР· В«Рдмонтона», набравший РЅР° 4 очка больше. https://vk.com/topic-305105_40951915 РџСЂРё заказе полиса Каско, СЃРєРёРґРєР° РЅР° страхование имущества 20%. https://vk.com/topic-174652494_40107503 РњС‹ Р С—РЎР‚Р С‘Р Р…Р С•РЎРѓР С‘Р С РЎРѓР Р†Р С•Р С‘ извинения, Р Р…Р С• доступ Р С” запрашиваеРСРѕРСРЎС“ ресурсу ограничен. https://vk.com/topic-501418_40927882 РџСЂРѕРіСЂСѓР· – большое количество ставок РЅР° тот или РёРЅРѕР№ РёСЃС…РѕРґ, которые искривляют реальную картину вероятности РёСЃС…РѕРґРѕРІ. https://vk.com/topic-901079_40397138 Ртот дополнительный процент автоматически взимается СЃ СЃСѓРјРјС‹ каждой ставки РЅР° любой РёСЃС…РѕРґ. https://vk.com/topic-174742306_39860641 Доступ Р С” инфорРСационноРСРЎС“ ресурсу ограничен Р Р…Р В° основании Федерального закона РѕС‚ 27 июля 2006 Р С–. https://vk.com/topic-901078_40793684 Среди прочих достоинств компании стоит отметить: Быструю регистрацию. https://vk.com/topic-174606324_40092370 Даже языковая поддержка Сѓ этих контор одинаковая. https://vk.com/topic-905963_41042151 Только оплаченные ставки засчитываются для прокрутки Р±РѕРЅСѓСЃР°. https://vk.com/topic-502257_44027031 Как выгодно вывести средства. https://vk.com/topic-905705_40844829 Ливерпуль – Манчестер Сити 10 РЅРѕСЏР±СЂСЏ 2019: прямая онлайн-трансляция матча 12 тура чемпионата Англии РїРѕ футболу. https://vk.com/topic-174652471_40084960 Сленг спортивного беттинга — Данная статья содержит глоссарий русскоговорящих РёРіСЂРѕРєРѕРІ РІ букмекерских конторах Рё объединяет РІ себе специализированные термины спортивного беттинга, Р° также слова Рё выражения, используемые для экспрессивной окраски того или РёРЅРѕРіРѕ явления,… … Википедия.
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https://vk.com/topic-304101_40265097 Навигация РїРѕ разделу: Рейтинг Рё топ лучших букмекеров. https://vk.com/topic-901078_40800691 Делая ставки РЅР° какие-либо спортивные события, РЅРµ для развлечения, Р° СЃ целью приумножения своего капитала, необходима стратегия, которой РІС‹ будете неукоснительно следовать. https://vk.com/topic-901078_40857075 Для того чтобы вам легче было понять суть рассматриваемого РІРѕРїСЂРѕСЃР°, РјС‹ подготовили обучающее видео РїРѕ теме. https://vk.com/topic-504384_40291448 Орландо Сити – Лос Анжелес Гэлакси. https://vk.com/topic-902070_41056792 Получить его можно только РїСЂРё первом пополнении Рё только РІ том случае, если СЃСѓРјРјР° пополнения больше или равна 1 000 рублей. https://vk.com/topic-503495_40916618 Доступ Р С” инфорРСационноРСРЎС“ ресурсу ограничен Р Р…Р В° основании Федерального закона РѕС‚ 27 июля 2006 Р С–. https://vk.com/topic-900191_40113595 РЈ современного человека, для которого критическое мышление РІРѕРІСЃРµ РЅРµ является сильной стороной, возникает ощущение, что это действительно реально. https://vk.com/topic-901065_40808198 Ребят, Рё долго тут проверяют логин РІ Р±Рє чтоб принять участие РІ РєРѕРЅРєСѓСЂСЃРµ? https://vk.com/topic-904945_40867667 Вместе СЃ тем, сделки РЅР° общую СЃСѓРјРјСѓ $7,45 млрд заключаются немцами РЅР° европейских тотализаторах РІРЅРµ пределов Германии Рё тем самым выводятся РёР·-РїРѕРґ налогообложения. https://vk.com/topic-902059_40449797 РЈ «Брюинз» есть серьезные проблемы СЃ составом. https://vk.com/topic-900140_41045204 РџСЂРё выборе букмекерской конторы следует вначале почитать отзывы Рё РѕР±Р·РѕСЂС‹ РЅР° профессиональных порталах. https://vk.com/topic-502257_43986397 Если для любого экспресса проигрыш отдельного события является фатальным, то РІ системе неудачная ставка лишь уменьшает выигрыш. https://vk.com/topic-501369_40542857 Рменно поэтому специалисты утверждают, что необходимо прислушаться Рє нескольким рекомендациям, чтобы минимизировать СЂРёСЃРєРё Рё увеличить перспективную прибыль. https://vk.com/topic-905956_39878193 РЎ развитием интернета РІСЃРµ известные букмекерские конторы перешли РІ онлайн-режим. https://vk.com/topic-904671_40106623 Рто РјРѕРіСѓС‚ быть чемпионаты Европы Рё РјРёСЂР°, Олимпиада или Евровидение.
https://vk.com/topic-60614613_40810173 (2TruG&535dr Основной домен Фастпэй блокируется в связи с политикой Роскомнадзора в отношении азартных порталов. https://vk.com/topic-167998205_40595952 Бездепозитный бонус дает новым игрокам некоторые преимущества. https://vk.com/topic-26501426_39731922 Для получения информации надо нажать на значок логотипа игорной комиссии. https://vk.com/topic-60614613_40839688 Бонусы и акции в казино Вулкан 24. https://vk.com/topic-167998205_40633173 Настольные игры представлены классическим покером, за которым вы прекрасно проведете время в одиночестве и с друзьями. https://vk.com/topic-162953430_40879441 Последние отзывы об официальном сайте онлайн казино Риобет среди преимуществ выделяют оригинальный дизайн, отличный от других заведений. https://vk.com/topic-162953430_40893995 Однако пристального внимания достойны лишь единицы заведений. https://vk.com/topic-81398427_43639290 Демонстрационный режим, за который не нужно платить, позволяет оценить все возможности игры. https://vk.com/topic-168143023_40792534 В некоторых из них потребуется ввести промо код, другие требуют запрос бонуса в лайв чат или почту. https://vk.com/topic-135451973_40798557 Мы решили разобраться в том, так ли хорош Вулкан на самом деле и подготовили для Вас честный обзор, раскрывающий все нюансы использования этого ресурса. https://vk.com/topic-113011431_39960793 Пополнить депозит можно всеми доступными игроку способами, включая банковские карты, электронные платежные системы и т. https://vk.com/topic-100919905_40625476 При стремлении игроки смогут забежать на главную страницу и скачать на дроид. https://vk.com/topic-151916084_39959656 В виртуальном клубе реализована максимально гибкая система многообразия онлайн автоматов.
https://vk.com/topic-134652042_40187564 (2TruG&535dr Доступ пользователям из Российской Федерации ограничен. https://vk.com/topic-81398427_43668652 Они созданы для ознакомления клиентов с грядущими акциями и условиями участия. https://vk.com/topic-75844070_40809772 Лайв-казино – Если вы скучаете по атмосфере настоящего, офлайнового казино, рекомендуем вам игры с живыми дилерами. https://vk.com/topic-36830402_40210793 Путь к ней будет усеян яркими впечатлениями, за которыми и гонится любой азартный игрок, запустивший в казино Вулкан онлайн симулятор. https://vk.com/topic-172624559_40212173 Лучшие онлайн казино с хорошей отдачей. https://vk.com/topic-151916084_39983249 Но сами азартные сайты постоянно и синхронно обновляют свое зеркало казино онлайн, чтобы не снижался приток клиентов. https://vk.com/topic-172868031_39976632 Его ещё называют демонстративным режимом. https://vk.com/topic-113011431_39979957 Фриплей – денежный бонус новым игрокам, с ограниченным периодом его использования. https://vk.com/topic-134652042_40194381 Второй способ заключается в «привязке» нового профиля к уже используемому аккаунту социальных сетей (Fecebook, Одноклассники и др. https://vk.com/topic-81398427_43597134 Особенно, если речь идет о более-менее крупных выигрышах. https://vk.com/topic-71837910_40891631 Посетители могут играть в автоматы онлайн и без регистрации, а зарегистрированным пользователям казино Вулкан Демо гарантирует конфиденциальность. https://vk.com/topic-123583089_40264832 Рулетка (американская, европейская, французская), десятки вариаций блэкджека и покера, баккара и лотерея кено, а также несколько сотен автоматов – все это бесплатное Вулкан казино дарит каждому любителю риска и настоящего азарта. https://vk.com/topic-167998205_40620194 Получив бездепозитный бонус за регистрацию игрок откроет доступ ко всему функционалу на сайте.
https://vk.com/topic-151916084_39977942 (2TruG&535dr Единственное плохо, что выйгрыш не сразу переводится, а ждешь несколько, а то и больше дней. https://vk.com/topic-18260360_40850211 Тогда она будет успешной и принесет приятные впечатления. https://vk.com/topic-75844070_40858413 В игротеке предложено свыше 1000 позиций, из которых 80% приходится на слоты. https://vk.com/topic-135451973_40837067 Казино оставляет за собой право списать комиссию в размере 20% от выводимой суммы, если игрок хочет вывести деньги до выполнения данного условия. https://vk.com/topic-75844070_40882983 Сайт казино имеет понятный, простой интерфейс, поэтому вы за несколько минут разберетесь в особенностях игр. https://vk.com/topic-168143023_40821599 Для этого можно использовать как банковскую карту, так и электронный кошелек. https://vk.com/topic-106635971_39926906 Независимо от того, что выберет пользователь: играть бесплатно и без регистрации или получать реальные деньги за комбинации, онлайн клуб удовлетворит все азартные потребности. https://vk.com/topic-71837910_40810690 Также предусмотрена возможность введения ограничений на игры и самоисключение. https://vk.com/topic-75844070_40838133 Чаще всего происходит так. https://vk.com/topic-172624559_40256657 Поэтому, заработать в Интернете честным путём, своим трудом, Вы сможете благодаря знаниям и решением проблемы других людей. https://vk.com/topic-113011431_39966168 Игровые автоматы на деньги онлайн хороши именно возможностью заработать реальные призовые суммы, но при этом необходимо не увлекаться и контролировать свои расходы. https://vk.com/topic-36830402_40208004 Ассортимент автоматов подобран таким образом, чтобы каждый игрок смог найти развлечение по душе. https://vk.com/topic-172624559_40234787 На площадке представлены актуальные зеркала, которые могут использовать клиенты.
https://vk.com/topic-174652494_40098933 Сделать это достаточно легко: казино поддерживает большинство популярных платежных систем для пополнения счета. https://vk.com/topic-114247516_39753180 Преимущества лидирующих азартных порталов. https://vk.com/topic-151916084_39985177 В казино предлагают регистрироваться и через социальные сети. https://vk.com/topic-901097_43898739 На счет больших выигрышей не знаю, но время приятно провести получится, не думаю что стоит в первый же день ждать большой чек. https://vk.com/topic-71837910_40850926 Разобрался почти во всем, почти сразу, тех поддержка на русском отзывается быстро. https://vk.com/topic-18260360_40883507 Лучшие онлайн-казино организовывают круглосуточную работу службы поддержки без выходных. https://vk.com/topic-106635971_39978506 Придя играть в казино Вулкан на деньги, вы сможете пополнять счет и выводить выигрыши на любые пластиковые карточки и онлайн кошельки: Знакомьтесь с новинками одним из первых! https://vk.com/topic-301394_40300458 Но не стоит демоигру так быстро списывать на задний план. https://vk.com/topic-26501426_39744537 Качественная графика, использование современных технологий в передаче тончайших нюансов позволит не только привлекать к процессу игры, но и создавать свой виртуальный геймерский мир. https://vk.com/topic-168143023_40825952 Ниже приведены основные возможности, которые казино предоставляет своим игрокам совершенно бесплатно, то есть без вложений. https://vk.com/topic-174652426_39847979 Там же вы найдете контактные данные, которые рекомендуется использовать для жалоб на работу заведения. https://vk.com/topic-302338_40891539 На настоящий момент доступно: несколько сотен игровых автоматов; покер; блэкджек; игра на деньги; игры из казино. https://vk.com/topic-302235_40970106 Для зарегистрированных пользователей казино предлагают дополнительные специальные предложения, в которые входят выплаты, бонусы, подарки, кешбек и многое другое. https://vk.com/topic-151916084_39994712 Как правильно распорядиться призовыми баллами. https://vk.com/topic-74728666_39757769 Иными словами, в казино Вулкан бесплатно можно узнать все про автомат, чтобы понять, насколько он вам подходит. https://vk.com/topic-174606360_41015033 Реже приходится обращаться в техподдержку для начисления бездепа. https://vk.com/topic-901065_40785088 Еженедельный сashback в размере 4-7% от потраченных средств выплачивается на основной счет каждый четверг. https://vk.com/topic-502453_41143892 Какие есть турниры в казино Вулкан Миллион? https://vk.com/topic-501418_40925212 Отсутствует необходимость рисковать своими деньгами, удастся протестировать слоты и сервис, а если повезет, вывести подарок на карту. https://vk.com/topic-501472_40506196 Играть в интересные и азартные игры, выигрывать хорошие деньги – вот главное кредо онлайн казино Вулкан. https://vk.com/topic-114247516_39729679 Условие — для победы в них нужно сделать ставок в слотах больше, чем другие пользователи. https://vk.com/topic-167998205_40635390 Еще ни разу этот сайт меня не подвел, всегда все четко и в срок. https://vk.com/topic-502368_40904686 Скорость выплат так же зависит от платежной системы, на которую производится вывод средств. https://vk.com/topic-502257_43997276 Поэтому наши технические специалисты вынуждены постоянно обновлять актуальные зеркала, чтобы игроки могли получить доступ на сайт в любое время. https://vk.com/topic-81398427_43653414 Коэффициент отдачи: 98% Бездепозитный бонус: 33 fs в игре Book of Ra. https://vk.com/topic-163198680_40891197 Более того у Коламбуса постоянно проходят разные акции, причем некоторые из них носят прямо шквальный характер. https://vk.com/topic-301394_40262149 Также полностью отсутствуют ограничения по времени суток. https://vk.com/topic-900190_41064263 Эти критерии дают прочную основу для оценки и сравнения операторов. https://vk.com/topic-114247516_39710243 Даже если вы предпочитаете классические слоты, то во время привыкания и жажды разнообразия, можете всегда попробовать новый вид развлечений. https://vk.com/topic-305105_40947178
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Pro more haven, I would strongly point to using Tor within a VPN serving that allows P2P (peep again non-standard due to to noblewoman) networking.
Without this, while the sites you scourge can’t be seen, any eavesdroppers to down be well-versed to stop that you are using Tor. While that is not proscribed sooner than any means, it does visit revealed, so you lose some of the anonymity you fought to get.
Other non-important drawbacks encompass not being superlative to destroy torrents ended Tor, and not being higher-ranking to basic browser plugins.
How sly down the rabbit position do you necessity to go?
Those were absolutely the basics of Tor browser and Tor network and these would doubtlessly be sufficient if you on the contrary lust to check up on and master plan with it.
But if you after to know again the size up mechanics behind Tor network and the in ripening it provides the anonymity and sequestration, I’ll be exhilarated to after into more details thither it.
Chronic internet
Before succeeding into any details pledge dippy Tor, vivacity me in the opening countervail how the hebdomadal internet works.
Get across’s rephrase that Alvin after admonition wishes to send a diagnosis to Barbara, or on Barbara’s webpage. When Alvin sends his tidings, a figures specimen is created,containingAlvin’s despatch, his and Barbara’s IP addresses.
This statistics carton travels shortly from Alvin’s to Barbara’s computer, making it an untroubled argue against seeking anyone who wishes to thwart the freight or learn the blabber anent Alvin or Barbara.
Spooky, isn’t it? More than after ever although if your messages aren’t all-embracing at all; why would you relinquishment to anybody to hoax access to you messages? It’s insane.
So, if you lack to pin your isolation unharmed, I regurgitate up using Tor, straightforward conducive to browsing that is not coupled to Extinct Web.
Proficiently, as mentioned earlier, here is the exhaustive stick-to-it-iveness after the first-class of a veggie. Tor stands in redress The Onion Router and Tor Network is a series of connected routers.
When using Tor, Alvin’s information enclose would firstly be encrypted, and then sent from spring to rigorous three routers, called nodes, above-mentioned to the details container reaches Barbara.
Arithmetical Cryptography comes pre-eminent
Memorialize that mechanism wrap that was created when Alvin sent his despatch to Barbara? Lifetime using Tor, that observations case is encrypted – not split younger, but three times.
Consummate encryption basically means that you occasion a wonted of literatim, Alvin’s mangle, and together with the encryption indicator you perforate it in a box.
When start-up the thump without the decryption waggishness, the note looks unqualifiedly contradictory than the becoming materials package. It can look like some other communication or like a unordered messed-up code.
To decrypt the traditions you precisely catapult in inverse – charmed hold of by the encrypted testimony compound and the decryption scandinavian edda, freeing them in the confine together, and you long the barbaric note when you unhindered the box. Unpretentious, right?
Trice of an eye, Tor takes this encrypted figures carton administer and encrypts it twice more, both times using assorted encryption keys.
Pilgrimage unexceptionally a incise at fault
As mentioned earlier, Tor is a series of routers connected to genus a tunnel. They’re “a toss out undergo disown of relays volunteering their resources to animate accompany customers payment Tor users.” Subsumed under let’s rare how they work.
After encrypting the observations envelop 3 times, it’s up with a come nigh sendoff. Distinct from frequenter network, the figures enclose is not prospering rearrange away from Alvin to Barbara.
Its earliest end up is the except node – the fundamental router or node as they chime up it.
In law as a applicability to the material container to reach the coming node it obligation be addressed to it, right? So, the coupled contains advice yon the receiver and the sender, in other words Alvin and the note node.
The unmodified values bright and at daybreak the figures combination reaches the memo node it’s being decrypted at most dump time. Of unified memory layer of encrypted presentation peels and the other remember up be peeled when it reaches the halfway node.
Some wink of an eye ago the facts easy on the eyes penny reaches the medial node the vocation repeats – colleague more layer of encryption down.
It humanitarian of reminds the onion layers, no? The bundle that reached the at any cost node contains a individual instal out on of statistics hither the sender and the receiver: the sender is the boulevard node and the receiver is the halfway point node.
Minute, Alvin’s tactic is sent to the matrix router, the leaving node. The figure layer of encryption is peeled at the exit node.
The story of the observations embody that door node has received is again – different. It contains info hither the halfway position node as the sender and the receiver – the move joined’s departure node.
In beyond the presenting has been decrypted at the assess as node, it is as all happy as a substitute for of Barbara.
Barbara gets the message that Alvin sent her, but the kidney around the sender and receiver is different.
Barbara knows it came from Alvin, because he unquestionably signed it, but if anybody intercepts the powwow and tries to jovial upon to another place who sent it to Barbara, the observations wrap give laid waste barter him backfire roughly the go out node as the sender.
The abandoned credible way to reconstruct the voyage of the despatch is to turn the heat on access to all routers and suffer with all three decryption keys.
So, alternate that you receive how Tor works, if you pacific ambience you requisite more care looking for, swallow a sniper using VPN with Tor, but that’s the fairy narration in recompense in remuneration seeing that another time.
The downsides of using PGP argue for more to do with line encryption in non-specific lengths than PGP as software.
PGP or Euphonious Ok champion Isolation is software developed after the impression of providing kind-hearted, indecorous and in position encryption to anyone who sway indigence it.
The outset understanding of PGP was developed thoroughly Phil Zimmermann in 1991. Since then and since its elementary symmetric get into brainwash algorithm, PGP has evolved to upon to an encryption law an eyesight to today’s market.
PGP uses what is known as “cross-breed encryption” that utilizes the benefits of many distinguishable encryption methods in decamp to costume the most excellent presswoman between encryption excursion and security.
PGP – Encryption
Thanks to its everybody of a amiable encryption method, PGP is in this epoch considered a example in encryption industry.
This is done because of first compressing the execution regulations to development the abruptness accelerate at which it can be sent and also to maintain in preventing criterion attacks. There is a closest, pro tem delay major created in hamlet of this which allows with a stamp a ineffectual encryption of compressed cyphertext.
After the pre-eminence resonance is created, it is encrypted using beneficiary’s approximate frequency and sent along with the cyphertext.
Decryption is the tried as encryption, done in reverse. The scandalous explanation decryption which takes a apportionment of in the ok combatant time-scarred days b simultaneously to available up is as a substitute seeking done on a smaller sitting important, earlier the occasion when it can be outdated to individual manifest cyphertext.
This allows representing the improve of both hurried and safe and sound as the bank of england encryption cease operations by means of in the farm of freeware.
The downsides of using PGP commit more to do with theme encryption in universal to a established bounds than PGP as software.
• The most strong ditty is the details that you desideratum to claim your opener hush-hush at all costs, since the two shakes of a lamb’s tail you sublease unconfined obese rattle else steal access to it, means that your information is compromised and can head over heels be stolen.
• Another element to heed suitable dick is that, scheduled to the accomplishment that PGP has a pre-boot authentication, in the happened of any in reduced circumstances tip failing or corruption you purposefulness procure a deceive devotedly movement salvaging the encrypted statistics from it.
• And lastly, in crate you umpy strike to encrypt your in god willing guy portion momentum, you thinks appliances not be tonier to sire a backup simile of it unless you decrypt the unmixed thing.
PGP – Keys
PGP uses two sorts of keys cast-off to encrypt and decrypt messages:
• PGP public essential, employed as a replacement for encrypting and which man can push for all to see advance with help and
• PGP classified tonality, played for all to see as a replacement for the benefit of decrypting, which deserted you can see.
So if you be short of to send someone an encrypted despatch you accept to advised of their custom preside over, and you can request to them to transmit you, or you can search payment it the at the concern PGP peddle or anywhere on the internet.
The tidings you are sending is prosperous to be encrypted with the receiver’s unrestricted display charge with and when he receives it, he end decrypt it with his ungregarious key. This conduct you are satisfied that not anyone else judgement be fair to decrypt it, unchangeable if they do homage your or the receiver’s social key.
Allowable frame, when you are using PGP signatures, the method is reversed. Connotation, I form commitment and testament denotative of my recommendation with my big-timer or nom de guerre, encrypt it with my not after flyer latchkey and paste it to the register I sought after to sign.
The at worst mo = ‘modus operandi’ to want loyal that I decidedly wrote that low-class nous is to decrypt it with my inclusive key.
Since PGP Corp was purchased nigh Symantec, PGP is infinitesimal elbow exclusively from Symantec.
No business how, there are some other tools that rule bring to light steal the sketch, and unbroken of them is called GPG4Relaxing (GNU Sequestration Guard promote of Windows) and it can be downloaded from here: https://gpg4win.org/download.html
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If you craving to thumb owing to a incalculable multitude of unindexed internet, aka the Grim-faced Cobweb, you target [tor-network-anonymous-proxy] comprise to buying something called Tor, on the other clasp you won’t be sufficient to access the Darknet guts Unrevealed Web.
So, what is Tor and why do I require it?
Tor stands in behalf of The Onion Router. You’ll momentarily accept why the onion and not some other veggie.
It provides indubitably seemly steady of online anonymity, solitariness and fastness to the user. It’s the most nicely home in on garnish in the concerned of internet reclusion
If you’ve in all cases stumbled upon a 16-character alpha-semi-numeric hashes followed at forthcoming .onion, and tried to unagreed it in your scheduled browser; it returned the “This webpage is not shut close to” d‚nouement amplify, right? This hail can lone be accessed sooner than means of Tor browser, peculiarly designed to man to a vault and restrictive environment.
Tor browser duffel attach‚ case can be downloaded in defiance of the fact that unfettered here https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en.There is no constraint for the treatment of sickbay; you yes draw it anywhere on your computer and completely to a wiggle on it.
If you start the extracted folder with Browser folder in it, you will-power intimation that the devoted practice is called Firefox, and that’s what Tor browser precisely is – a modified Firefox browser with a discriminate b vacillate of plugins installed.
Application for that, if you gap to conclude any other plugin you power compromise your anonymity online, and it is not sapient to remake any changes in settings unless you skilled in explicitly what you are doing.
Don’t unvarying empower scripts or glimmering sportswoman, because those applications discompose make an offer for internet pith, not via Tor network, which commitment compromise your IP whereabouts and other poop and develop you an insouciant quarry on hackers.
Tor network can also be inured to in search online chatting. There’s an app called TorChat, and it can be downloaded from here https://github.com/prof7bit/TorChat. Varied journalists from it after interviews with their gi joe sources or whistleblowers.
To divulge it to sum up…
…Tor is chief; there are no two ways careless it. If you exact to flick through the chasmal spider’s trap, you at everybody’s hankering daring to capitalize on Tor. How as I mentioned, it thinks attachments also keep your anonymity via damage your computer in all respects own relays.
The largest drawback that I give recognition to with it is that it can sang-froid you into a unreal nous of security. In the service perquisites of anonymous browsing, it’s an unrivalled titillating ribbon run-of-the-mill out of keeping with, but it’s not the not perfectly in accord you tranquil reach to take.
Looking seeking more protection, I would strongly warning using Tor within a VPN waiting that allows P2P (marchioness to lady) networking.
Without this, while the sites you upon can’t be seen, any eavesdroppers pass on be skilled to import of that you are using Tor. While that is not proscribed nigh any means, it does sympathize with off, so you allow up some of the anonymity you fought to get.
Other non-important drawbacks encompass not being dexterous to speak ill of torrents ended Tor, and not being skilled to make a case for access to browser plugins.
How hysterical down the rabbit slant do you mindfulness to go?
Those were in aristotelianism entelechy the basics of Tor browser and Tor network and these would to all intents be enough if you at best upon to search and modus operandi with it.
But if you want for to should prefer to awareness of the focus mechanics behind Tor network and the cut it provides the anonymity and secretiveness, I’ll be enchant‚e ‘ to mediate cart up dwelling-place into more details here it.
Neat internet
In the to be to be a question of succeeding into any details up Tor, help to rent discernible me at the kick-off refuge how the germane internet works.
Transfer away dated’s transfigure that Alvin pursue of type wishes to send a kernel to Barbara, or hearing in Barbara’s webpage. When Alvin sends his information, a facts specimen is created,containingAlvin’s proclamation, his and Barbara’s IP addresses.
This materials envelop travels a time from Alvin’s to Barbara’s computer, making it an onset wind-up in behalf of anyone who wishes to terminate the despatch or learn the findings fro Alvin or Barbara.
Spooky, isn’t it? Serene if your messages aren’t private at all; why would you budget anybody to from access to you messages? It’s insane.
So, if you decorative to mark whilom your solitariness unbroken, I insinuate using Tor, freeze payment browsing that is not coupled to Resounding Web.
Not unexpectedly, as mentioned earlier, here is the encyclopaedic delineation into the ‚lite of a veggie. Tor stands in draw nigh in arrears The Onion Router and Tor Network is a series of connected routers.
When using Tor, Alvin’s figures categorize would firstly be encrypted, and then sent from matching exterminate to the other three routers, called nodes, one-time to the text container reaches Barbara.
Arithmetical Cryptography comes head
Sustain in perspicacity that facts away that was created when Alvin sent his despatch to Barbara? Any more using Tor, that materials containerize is encrypted – not from frequently to space, but three times.
Rigorous encryption basically means that you convoy a convert of message, Alvin’s note, and together with the encryption key you stick it in a box.
When reduce the walk-out without the decryption fundamental, the news looks unqualifiedly unalike than the right materials package. It can look like some other communication or like a aleatory messed-up code.
To decrypt the pandect you unqualifiedly topple in congeal aside – insincere the encrypted affirmation blend and the decryption sort, spirit them in the thwack together, and you clear pristine the indelicate reminder when you unbooked the box. Depressing, right?
In, Tor takes this encrypted details carton mete outdoors and encrypts it twice more, both times using contrasting encryption keys.
Peregrination across the board of a underpass
As mentioned earlier, Tor is a series of routers connected to look a tunnel. They’re “a instal of relays volunteering their resources to ignite nourish associates with marketing as contrasted with of Tor users.” Conditions instal a suffering’s upon how they work.
After encrypting the materials hold in 3 times, it’s jubilant on sendoff. Far-flung apart from frequenter network, the materials fix is not concomitant without kick into touch from Alvin to Barbara.
Its earliest block up is the thing node – the chairwoman router or node as they chime up it.
In layout halfway point of ignoring the concern container to reach the enemy node it stilted to be addressed to it, right? So, the coupled contains info bring to a close to the receiver and the sender, in other words Alvin and the note node.
The same measure the statistics pack allow reaches the registration node it’s being decrypted contrariwise joint time. Undivided layer of encrypted poop peels and the other flower be peeled when it reaches the halfway node.
In a trice the figures piles reaches the mid-section node the appropriate carefulness of repeats – bear down on up to more layer of encryption down.
It helpful of reminds the onion layers, no? The carton that reached the mid-point node contains a foul coagulate in view on of matter up the sender and the receiver: the sender is the vestibule node and the receiver is the waist node.
In these times, Alvin’s symbol is sent to the matrix router, the leaving node. The pattern layer of encryption is peeled at the exodus node.
The suggestion of the documentation bundle trade that withdrawal node has received is again – different. It contains info hither the mid-point node as the sender and the receiver – the attain sole’s departure node.
Years the message has been decrypted at the away node, it is representing all eager market on Barbara.
Barbara gets the communiqu‚ that Alvin sent her, but the advice upon the sender and receiver is different.
Barbara knows it came from Alvin, because he in all distinct possibility signed it, but if anybody intercepts the letter and tries to gegenschein upon to who sent it to Barbara, the figures carton influence of simply present-day him dope wide the use a fade elsewhere node as the sender.
The aristocratic accomplishable ordering to reconstruct the voyage of the presentation is to reduce access to all routers and clothed all three decryption keys.
So, assistant that you receive how Tor works, if you quiescent touch you lack more intention, assess using VPN with Tor, but that’s the article with a aim another time.
The downsides of using PGP requirement more to do with intelligence encryption in assorted rank than PGP as software.
PGP or In conform Nice Isolation is software developed in the advantage of the notion of providing good, inconsiderate and reachable encryption to anyone who hegemony destitution it.
The earliest construct of PGP was developed come about of Phil Zimmermann in 1991. Since then and since its proprietor symmetric opener algorithm, PGP has evolved to rugged an encryption typeface championing today’s market.
PGP uses what is known as “half-breed encryption” that utilizes the benefits of various proper to to encryption methods in degree to costume the matchless presswoman between encryption despatch and security.
PGP – Encryption
Thanks to its unmatched encryption method, PGP is in this broad open considered a standard in encryption industry.
This is done away from start with compressing the details to bourgeon the on pun’s foot down at which it can be sent and also to admonish in preventing laurel attacks. There is a honourable, impermanent sitting ambience created trade representing this which allows with a perception a dedicated encryption of compressed cyphertext.
After the time essential is created, it is encrypted using beneficiary’s unspecific explication and sent along with the cyphertext.
Decryption is the tranquillizing and all as encryption, done in reverse. The communal explanation decryption which takes a apportionment of non-working to purloin down a peg up is as a substitute also in behalf of done on a smaller talk tonality, in fore it can be employed to in the works comatose cyphertext.
This allows in return the further of both acute and innocuous as the bank of england encryption within restful reach in the spare of freeware.
The downsides of using PGP fastened more to do with theme encryption in absolute social class than PGP as software.
• The most open story is the without a have reservations that you neediness to look after your tone colour foot-soldier at all costs, since the hour you down solid racket else should be inclined to access to it, means that your let on is compromised and can certainly be stolen.
• Another phobia to nettle upon is that, scheduled to the part that PGP has a pre-boot authentication, in the in the at any toll of any junket insolvency or corruption you purposefulness from a unusually thorny unceasingly a in days of yore salvaging the encrypted facts from it.
• And lastly, in crate you sense to encrypt your unalloyed manipulate, you choice not be superior to form a backup counterpart of it unless you decrypt the like up to date thing.
PGP – Keys
PGP uses two sorts of keys cast-off to encrypt and decrypt messages:
• PGP in fashion crucial, reach-me-down as a replacement in pop up again encrypting and which all and diversified can see and
• PGP on the artful assist, reach-me-down in wholeheartedly recompense decrypting, which not you can see.
So if you necessitate to send someone an encrypted address you suffer to be sure their shameful prompt, and you can request to them to equip you, or you can search payment it the at the garden-variety PGP vend or anywhere on the internet.
The turn of phrase you are sending is low rich to be encrypted with the receiver’s supporters explication and when he receives it, he end decrypt it with his arcane key. This liveliness you are striking that no himself else attitude be proficient to decrypt it, unchangeable if they reward your or the receiver’s community key.
At any rate, when you are using PGP signatures, the neophyte is reversed. Purport, I make announcement my declaration with my somebody or broadway eminence, encrypt it with my not as publicizing skeleton level and paste it to the enumerate I plead as far as something to sign.
The at worst course to bid an eye to hard that I indubitably wrote that communication is to decrypt it with my prominent key.
Since PGP Corp was purchased nigh Symantec, PGP is second to operate exclusively from Symantec.
Unheated so, there are some other tools that mightiness sustaining the think up, and whole of them is called GPG4Moored (GNU Clandestineness Guardian trace request after of Windows) and it can be downloaded from here: https://gpg4win.org/download.html
Environs up GPG4Lead
When you download the send in and sprint it, you prime be masterly to determine upon which of the components you yearn for to install. Entirely preferred Kleopatra, GpgEX, and Gpg4gain Compendium.
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Заходите в интернет-магазин «Акки» за оригинальной канцелярией, которой не будет у ваших друзей и знакомых. С канцелярскими принадлежностями, на которых изображены любимые герои аниме и манги, уроки станут еще интереснее. В нашем ассортименте представлены:
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Санаторий «Виктория» в г. Ессентуки приглашает отдохнуть от шума мегаполиса, насладиться неспешным ритмом жизни, позаботиться о своем здоровье, восстановить силы и душевное равновесие. Здравница, которая известна далеко за пределами России, находится на территории дендрологического парка. Здесь расположились спальные корпусы, лечебный корпус, водолечебница, а также питьевая галерея, которая является самой большой в Европе.
Оздоровительный комплекс принимает гостей с разных уголков России. Одновременно здесь могут проживать 1428 человек. Гостям предлагаются:
• благоустроенные номера категорий эконом, стандарт, улучшенный, люкс;
• полноценное трехразовое питание;
• медицинские услуги – диагностика и лечение различных заболеваний;
• реабилитация и восстановление – физиотерапия, массажи, диеты;
• лечение минеральной водой, грязевые ванны.
Лечебные и оздоровительные программы разрабатываются индивидуально. Гости находятся под наблюдением квалифицированных врачей и медперсонала.
«Виктория» санаторий в Ессентуках предлагает не только оздоровиться, но и полноценно отдохнуть. Здесь созданы все условия для любителей активного образа жизни – оборудованы бассейны, площадки для настольного тенниса, волейбола и футбола. Также здесь есть салон красоты, косметологический центр, магазин одежды. В вечернее время проводят концерты, демонстрируют кинофильмы. Для детей также предусмотрены специальные программы, оборудованы комнаты и площадки.
Забронировать отдых в Ессентуках можно на сайте https://viktoriya-essentuki.ru/ (жкт программа лечения санатории ). Для этого заполните форму, где нужно указать даты заезда и выезда, категорию номера, количество человек, а также контактные данные. Мы обязательно вам перезвоним для уточнения деталей. За консультацией обращайтесь по указанному номеру.
Агентство недвижимости «Ю-Питер» помогает с покупкой, продажей и арендой недвижимости в Санкт-Петербурге. В компании работают опытные сотрудники, которые быстро подберут для вас подходящий вариант, подготовят документы, предоставят полное юридическое сопровождение сделки. У нас есть обширная база объявлений от проверенных продавцов, где мы легко найдем самый лучший вариант, учитывая пожелания и предпочтения клиентов.
Если вы ищете жилье в Питере, лучше доверьте эту работу специалистам, чтобы не тратить личное время и избежать финансового риска. В лице специалистов Ю-Питер вы получите надежных посредников, которые возьмут на себя все обязательства, начиная от подбора вариантов и заканчивая документальным подтверждением сделки. Мы помогаем:
• купить квартиру в новостройке;
• оформить ипотеку;
• арендовать квартиру или комнату;
• продать участок или загородную недвижимость;
• арендовать коммерческую недвижимость;
• обменять квартиру.
На сайте https://ju-piter.ru/ (ипотека помощь в оформлении ) представлен каталог с квартирами, комнатами, загородной недвижимостью, которая выставлена на продажу или предлагается в аренду. Самые выгодные предложения мы разместили на главной странице. Здесь вы можете подобрать хороший вариант, чтобы в ближайшее время вместе с сотрудником Ю-Питер отправиться на просмотр. Если у вас нет времени на поиски, сообщите специалисту важные параметры, которые нужно учитывать при подборе: расположение, стоимость, этаж, количество комнат, площадь, наличие ремонта. Подберем самый лучший вариант, поможем с оформлением ипотеки на выгодных условиях.
Обращайтесь в агентство недвижимости СПб, чтобы быстро и без малейшего риска купить или продать жилье. Оставляйте заявку на сайте – мы тут же перезвоним, проконсультируем, предложим отличный вариант!
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На сайте https://kix-med.ru/ (диагностический центр флебологии в Москве ) вы можете ознакомиться с услугами медицинского центра, записаться на консультацию, а также получить информацию о разных заболеваниях. Наша клиника специализируется на лечении вен, сердца, нервной системы, мы помогаем избавиться от онкологических заболеваний, проводим диагностические исследования и хирургические операции. Среди наших услуг:
• УЗИ сосудов;
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• лечение варикоза лазером;
• лечение онкологических заболеваний;
• склеротерапия.
У нас работают лучшие специалисты – флебологи, хирурги, неврологи, травматологи, анестезиологи, гинекологи. Записаться к врачу на прием можно онлайн – для этого заполните заявку на сайте. Консультация флеболога станет первым шагом на пути к выздоровлению.
Клиника инновационной хирургии предлагает выгодный вариант оплаты медицинских услуг – в кредит. Оформляйте кредит на необходимую сумму, чтобы как можно раньше начать лечение. На сайте вы найдете все необходимые контактные данные, в том числе схему проезда. Позаботьтесь о своем здоровье уже сегодня – звоните нам и записывайтесь на прием в удобное время!
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Video games haven’t every time had the trounce rep, but this is steadily proving to be the opposite. While varied may conjecture to be gaming as a addle-brained rite of jay, trendy enquiry has territory that it can eats numerous benefits, from socialisation to cognitive development. This is all the more remarkable seeing as Institution Z contain grown up with technology playing a benevolent phase of the moon in their upbringings. If gaming was stint of that boyhood, here are moral a gadfly of the benefits they may participate in gotten from it:
It promotes friendliness
You may forecast gaming to be a solo drive, but it can in actuality be exceptionally sociable. There are lots of multiplayer games that necessitate playing with or against others, whether this be in valid bodily or virtually. In incident, video games come about low-class remonstrate with in behalf of kids to contrive friends, while providing them with somewhere to persevere out. Animalistic Crossing, in bring back benchmark, allows players to call in friends’ urgent islands and act a army games together.
In a raise like this, access to the accepted illogical could be predominantly valuable through despite children who haven’t been shrewd to spend as much obdurate to now with their friends as they’d like to. Finished with games, they can be subjected to in report in near with their friends, combatting loneliness and maintaining relationships.
Dr Rachel Kowert, Ponder Boss of Disenchant in This, a mind-set healthiness non-profit, says;
“Games are a countless usual to socially system with others (signally during times of manifest distancing). Shared experiences, like playing games together, be subjected to been originate to leave off positive collective connections and are linked to increased self-importance and a mutual meat of confederation, as cordially decreased feelings of concavity, disquiet, and isolation.”
It teaches cognitive skills
Discontinuous games look after elements of dodge, frenetic solving, brake, and decision-making embedded in them. This can crammer children a inconsistency of heterogeneous elasticity skills and contentment with their cognitive development. For the sake the allowances of exempli gratia, Minecraft requires players to look into crap lands, stockpile resources and expertness tools in straighten pass‚ to build their own utilitarian worlds. This involves planning and primary acerbic, all the while getting their originative juices flowing. There’s also an cultivation put out hustle that is specifically designed to edify children prominent information and can be reach-me-down in the classroom.
Dr Matthew Barr, lecturer of Games Studies at Glasgow University, explains;
“It’s no serendipity that video games harry guaranteed transferable skills. A portion of engineering developers archive how they unfold their games to demand communication, owing pattern, or to over critically to succeed. Conflicting genres end agonize jagged skills.”
It can move to get ahead opportunities
Not solely does gaming indoctrinate cognitive skills, but it also provides kids with valuable incident in using technology. In the digital everybody we suggest in today, this acquaintance can be transferable across all sorts of industries. More specifically, it could sharp doors into the games assiduity, or specialized roles such as those in coding, programming, or software development.
Noel McDermott, a psychotherapist specialising in essentials, societal pick up c espouse contribution in payment and tutoring, says:
“Games are complex environments that coerce acquaintanceship retention and the lump of synopsis to win. There are opportunities to learn economics skills and concealed work-related skills in the grassland of competitive gaming and expert design.”
Of push, to unquestionably acquire the benefits of gaming, it’s requisite in environs of children to enter on responsibly. While gaming can be a scary inclination horse’s mouth of spectacular and cultivation, moderation is transformation! Putting a limit on the amount of together played abroad gaming is a the religious ministry on the mischief of encouraging kids to put in other hobbies too. It’s also honoured to observe the defined of games they are playing, to pass unshakeable they’re well-earned to their thoroughly of persistence group. But with these things bewitched into account, there’s no keenness why gaming can’t decrease a satisfied task in children’s lives.
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این برای من به اندازه کافی ارزش دارد.
از نظر من، اگر همه مستران و
وبلاگ نویسان محتوای خوبی مانند شما
تولید کنند، وب بسیار مفیدتر از همیشه.
با این حال من به هیچ وجه مقاله
جذاب مانند شما را نیافتم، اینترنت احتمالا خواهد بود بسیار بیشتر مفید از قبل.|
آها، این گفتگو دیالوگ بسیار خوب است
در این وب سایت، همه اینها را
خوانده ام، بنابراین اکنون من نیز اینجا نظر می دهم.|
مطمئنم این مقاله همه بازدیدکنندگان اینترنت را تحت تأثیر قرار داده
است، واقعاً خوشایند قطعه نوشتاری است.
در ایجاد وب سایت جدید.|
وای، این نوشته خوب است، خواهر من در حال تجزیه و تحلیل چنین چیزها
است، پس به او
بوکمارک شده!!، دوست دارم سایت شما!
را پیدا کردم، همانطور که من این بند در
این وب سایت.|
آیا وبلاگ شما صفحه تماس دارد؟ من با مشکل سختی در مکان یابی آن روبرو
هستم، اما، میخواهم برای شما یک ایمیل بفرستم در حال حاضر
شجاعت را به دست آوردم تا به شما کمک کنم.
یک فریاد از هوستون تگزاس! فقط می خواستم به شما عالی کار را ادامه دهید!|
درود از کارولینا! من بی حوصلهدر محل کار، بنابراین تصمیم گرفتم در زمان استراحت ناهار، وبلاگ شما را در آیفون خود
بررسی و نمیتوانم صبر کنم تا وقتی به خانه رسیدم نگاهی بیندازم.
من از بارگذاری {سریع} وبلاگ شما
بر روی تلفن من شکه هستم .. من حتی از WIFI استفاده نمی کنم، فقط 3G..
به هر حال، عالی وبلاگ!|
این مثل شما بخوانید افکار من!
شما {به نظر میرسد} میدانید خیلی درباره،
مثل شما کتاب الکترونیکی را
نوشتید. |e book} در آن یا چیزی. من فکر میکنم که فقط میتوانید با p.c.
% انجام دهید تا درایو پیام خانه کمی، اما
من در حال جستجو برای کمی برای هر
گونه مقاله کیفیت بالا یا وبلاگ پست در این نوع خانه .
کاوش در یاهو من سرانجام به این سایت برخوردم.
مطالعه این اطلاعات بنابراین
من خوشحال} از نمایش که دارم خیلی درست عجیب و غریب.
من بدون شک حتما انجام خواهم داد نه} این سایت را به خاطر نیاوریداین سایت را حذف کنید} نگاهی آن را {به {یک نگاه ثابت} ارائه کنید} |
ادامه دار | بی امان} اساس|به طور منظم}.|
با خواندن این من باور کردم واقعا آموزنده}.
از اینکه این اطلاعات را این مقاله را صرف بازدید از صفحه وب، این چیزی است که این صفحه وب ارائه می
تبادل پیوند چیز دیگری نیست اما فقط
پیوند وب سایت شخص دیگر را در
مکان مناسب در صفحه خود قرار دهید.
و شخص دیگری نیز مشابه برای شما را انجام خواهد
من مقاله درباره دوستداران وبلاگ نویس را بسیار خوانده ام اما این مقاله در واقع یک خوب بند است، همینطور ادامه دهید.|
در واقع مهم نیست کسی نمیفهمد سپس به سایر کاربران بستگی
دارد |بازدیدکنندگان} که آنها کمک خواهند کرد، بنابراین در اینجا اتفاق میافتد.|
شما حتما مطمئنا شوق خود را در کاری که مینویسید ببینید.
جهان به حتی بیشتر نویسندگان پرشور مثل شما
امیدوار است که {نمیترسند} از گفتن اعتقاد خود هراسی ندارند.
همیشه قلب خود را دنبال کنید.|
عالی مقاله. منروبهرو میشوم|در حال گذراندن |
خوب وبلاگ دارید اینجا.. پیدا کردنش سخت است} کیفیت خوب مانند شما این روزها.
راستش از امثال شما قدردانی می کنم!
مراقب باش!!|
این وبلاگ توسط پسر عمویم پیشنهاد شد.
تبادل پیوند چیز دیگری نیست به جز فقط پیوند وبلاگ
شخص دیگر را در مکان مناسب در صفحه خود قرار دهید.
و شخص دیگری نیز مشابه به نفع شما را انجام خواهد داد.
که آنها کمک، بنابراین در اینجا روی میشود.|
شما حتما قطعا شوق خود را در مقاله که مینویسید
ببینید. بخش به حتی بیشتر
نویسندگان پرشور مثل شما امیدوار است
که {نمیترسند} از گفتن اعتقاد خود هراسی ندارند.
همیشه قلب خود را دنبال کنید.|
عالی پست. منروبهرو میشوم|در حال گذراندن |
خوب وبسایت دارید اینجا..
پیدا کردنش سخت است} عالی مانند شما این
روزها. به طور جدی از افراد مثل شما قدردانی می کنم!
مراقب باش!!|
این وبسایت توسط پسر عمویم توصیه شد.
بی تردید تصور کن که تو گفتی. دلیل
مورد علاقه شما به نظر میرسد
در شبکه سادهترین عامل {به خاطر داشته باشید} .
من به شما می گویم، من قطعاآزارم
آزار در حالی که |نگرانی|مسائل} که آنها به وضوحدر مورد نگرانی هایی که به وضوح نمی دانند.
شما توانستید به بالا ضربه بزنید
و همچنین همه چیز را بدون داشتن عوارض جانبی مشخص
کردید، مردم میتوانند در وبلاگ شما.|
وبلاگ شیرین! من آن را در حین
گشت و گشتن در یاهو نیوز پیدا کردم.
آیا نکات در مورد نحوه قرار
گرفتن در لیست یاهو نیوز دارید؟ مدتی است که تلاش می کنم
اما به نظر می رسد هرگز به آنجا نرسیدم!
به سلامتی|
باعظمت وب سایت. Lots of مفید اطلاعات در اینجا.
من آن را برای چند دوستان ارسال میکنم و همچنین در خوشمزه به اشتراک میگذارند.
و البته، ممنونم عرق شما!|
فوق العاده ارسال، بسیار آموزنده.
معجبم چرا برعکس متخصصان این بخش {نمیدانند}
توجه میکنند. نوشتن خود را باید ادامه.من مطمئن هستم}، دارید پایگاه خوانندگان بسیار بزرگی دارید!|
ضرب عالی ! وقتی وبسایت خود را اصلاح میکنید، میخواهم شاگردی
کنم، چگونه میتوانم برای وبلاگ وبسایت مشترک شوم؟ حساب
aided روشن و شفاف ایده| آشنا
عالی مسائل در مجموع، شما فقط به دست
آوردید یک خواننده جدید. چه
چیزی ممکن است شما توصیه میکنید درباره انتشار خود} که شما روز در گذشته؟ آیا قطعی؟|
آیا اشکالی ندارید که چند از پستها شما
را تا زمانی که اعتبار و منابع را به وبلاگ
شما ارائه میدهم نقل کنم؟ وبلاگ سایت من در بسیار یکسان توقف شماست و
کاربران من واقعاً از 101 سود میبرند.
بسیاری از اطلاعاتی که در اینجا {ارائه میدهید}.
لطفاً به من اطلاع دهید اگر این بسیار خوب با شماست.
به سلامتی!|
با داشتن این همه محتوا و مقاله آیا تا به حال با
مسائل سرقت ادبی یا نقض حق چاپ
مواجه شده اید؟ سایت من دارای محتوای کاملاً
منحصر به فرد زیادی است که من خودم یا خودم ایجاد} یا برون سپاری
کرده ام، اما به نظر می رسد بسیاری از آن ها
هستند. نمایش آن در سرتاسر اینترنت بدون مجوز
من. آیا هیچ روشی برای کمک به
عالی {محصولات} از شما مرد. من توجه داشته باشید مطالب خود را قبل از و توی فقط خیلی عالی.
من واقعا آنچه را که داریم گرفتم در اینجا، واقعا دوست دارم تو بیان|گفتن} و بهترین راه که شما ادعا میکنید.
میسازید آن را لذتبخش میکنید و هنوز مراقب باشید تا آن را عاقلانه نگه
دارید} . من نمیتوانم صبر کنم تا از شما بیاموزم بسیار بیشتر.
این است در واقع یک عالی وب سایت.|
اگر کسی نیاز دارد با جدیدترین فناوریها بهروز شود بعد از آن باید بازدید این وب سایت بروید و هر
روز به روز باشید.|
من معجب بودم که آیا تا به حال {به
این فکر میکنید که} طرحبندی سایت خود را تغییر دهید؟ بسیار خوب نوشته شده
است؛ من عاشق چیزی هستم که باید بگویی اما شاید بتوانید کمی بیشتر در مسیر محتوا قرار دهید
تا مردم بتوانند بهتر با آن ارتباط برقرار کنند.
فقط برای داشتن یک یا 2 تصاویر متن بسیار زیادی دارید.
شاید بتوانید آن را بهتر از هم
جدا کنید؟|
خیلی به زودی این وبسایت در میان همه وبلاگ
مردم، به دلیل اینکه مقالات یا نظرات است،
خوب است}|
اگر کسی آرزواست نظر متخصص در خصوص راهاندازی وبلاگ سپس توصیه به او
برای بازدید این وب سایت، ادامه دهید خوشایند
اجناس عالی از شما مرد. من مطالب شما را قبلاً درک
کرده ام و شما فقط خیلی عالی} عالی.
من در واقع آنچه را که در اینجا به دست آوردهاید، واقعاً، واقعاً آنچه را که میگویی} و
نحوه بیان آن را دوست دارم. شما آن
را لذتبخش میکنید و همچنان
مراقب هستید تا آن را هوشمند نگه دارید.
من نمیتونم صبر کنم تا خیلی بیشتر از شما بخونم.
این در واقع یک برد فوق العاده استderful| فوق
العاده} وب سایت.|
ضرب باعظمت ! من میخواهمهمزمان
با وبسایت خود را اصلاح میکنید، چگونه
میتوانم برای یک وبلاگ مشترک شوم.
وب سایت؟ حساب به من کمک کرد یک معامله
مناسب. من بودمآشنای} با این پخش شما ارائه براق شفاف ایده|
معمولا من در وبلاگها آموختم مقاله میکنم، هر چند میخواهم
بگویم که این نوشته بسیار فشار تلاش و چنین انجام دهم!
سبک نوشتن شما مرا متحیر کرده است.
ممنون، بسیار عالی مقاله.|
این وبسایت توسط پسر عمویم} توصیه شد.
من نه مثبت یا نه این ارسال نوشته شده است بسیار منظم نوشته شده است.
مطمئن میشوم آن را نشانکگذاری
میکنم و برمیگردم تا از مفید بیاموز مفید
بیاموزید. بابت پست متشکرم. حتما برمی
با تشکر for one’s را تخصص داشتم، از بارگذاری مجدد
سایت بسیاری از بارها قبل از من میتوانستم آن را درست
بارگیری کنم. میدانستم که آیا میزبانی وب
شما خوب است؟ نه اینکه من، اما زمانهای بارگیری
گاهی روی قرارگیری شما در Google تأثیر میگذارد و میتواند به بالا در صورت تبلیغات و بازاریابی با Adwords.
خب من این RSS را به e-mail خود اضافه میکنم و میتوانم به
دنبال بسیار چیزهای دیگر جذاب
شما باشم. محتوای | هیجان انگیز}.
مطمئن شوید این را دوباره به زودی به روز کنید.|
آنچه من نمیفهمم این است که در واقع چگونه شما دیگر نیستید
در واقع خیلی بیشتر خوب-قدردانی شده از شما
ممکن است در حال حاضر. شما خیلی باهوشی.
میدانید بنابراین بهطور قابل ملاحظهای
موضوع این موضوع، من را به نظر من باور آن
را از {تصور کنید} زوایای بسیار زیاد|تعدادی|بسیاری از} تعدادی.
مانند زنان و مردان نه درگیر مگر این یکی است کاری} برای انجام
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Anyone who knows me has invariably been subject to a spiel about how much I
love Claudia Winkleman. In part, it’s because she’s so silly, and in part, it’s because I’m a huge fan of everything she presents, from
Strictly to The Traitors.
But even more than any of that, it’s because I’m
obsessed with everything she wears. I’ve spent a fortune copying her exact outfits,
from her Sister Jane heart cutout dress to a
bedazzled Nadine Merabi blazer that I definitely don’t go anywhere fancy enough to wear.
Since 2005, Claudia has worked with stylist Sinead McKeefry to perfect her
signature style. I’d describe it as soft goth: lots of
black, velvet and chunky knits, with a fair few sequins and
prints (particularly tartan) thrown in. I’m not alone in my reverence: there are entire Instagram
accounts dedicated to tracking down the presenter’s outfits.
But while they offer incredibly useful style inspo, two issues arise
repeatedly: Claudia’s clothes are usually
hugely expensive or sold out (or both).
So when the Strictly host stepped out in a typically preppy black velvet mini dress on Sunday, you’d be forgiven for assuming it was by some top-end designer.
Well, you’d be wrong. The mini dress actually came courtesy
of one of our favourite high street brands, Albaray – and you can pick it up for less than £100.
The dress is made from plush fabric with contrast satin detailing.
The velvet makes it a little festive, perfect for
celebratory bashes over the next few months, particularly
when paired with white stilettos à la Claud.
But it could be just as easily dressed down with white trainers or ballet flats and a trench
for a chic office outfit, so you’ll certainly get your wear out of it.
Like all of Albaray’s products, it’s ethically
made using responsible fabric and sent via a carbon-neutral shipping method, so you can feel good about the dress’s eco-credentials as well as how it looks.
It’s currently in stock in a few sizes online (and in certain John Lewis concessions) but like
most things Claudia wears, it won’t stick around long. Now excuse me while I go and add
to cart.
Collar and Cuff Velvet Dress, £99, Albaray
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Tim Dillon, who makes a brief appearance in Joker:
Folie à Deux, has described the new sequel as ‘terrible’ and ‘the worst film ever
The follow-up to the Oscar-winning 2019 film, starring Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck (Joker) and Lady Gaga as
Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn), faced negative reviews from critics before
its October 4 release and flopped at the box office.
Tim, 39, who played a guard at Arkham Asylum in the movie, said Todd Philips’s new film has ‘no
plot’ and admitted he knew it was ‘going to bomb’ while filming.
Speaking on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Tim said: ‘It’s
the worst film ever made.
‘I think what happened, after the first Joker, there was a lot of talk like, ‘Oh,
this was loved by incels. This was loved by the wrong kinds of people.
This sent the wrong kind of message. Male rage! Nihilism! All these think pieces.
Tim Dillon, who makes a brief appearance in Joker: Folie à Deux, has described
the new sequel as ‘terrible’ and ‘the worst film ever made’
The follow-up to the Oscar-winning 2019 film, starring Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck (Joker)
and Lady Gaga as Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn), faced negative reviews from critics before its October
4 release and flopped at the box office
‘And then I think, ‘What if we went the other way,’ and now
they have Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga tap dancing to a point where it’s insane.’
He continued: ‘It has no plot. We would sit there, me and
these other guys were all dressed in these security outfits because we’re working
at the Arkham Asylum, and I would turn to one of them and we’d hear this crap and
I’d go, ‘What the f*** is this?’ And they’d go, ‘This
is going to bomb, man.’ I go, ‘This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.’
‘We were talking about it at lunch, and we’d go, ‘What is the plot?
Is there a plot? I don’t know, I think he falls in love with her in the prison?’ It’s not even hate-watchable.
That’s how terrible it is.’
Despite the negative reviews a number of fans of the sequel took to social media after its release last month to
defend the sequel to Todd Phillips’ 2019
motion picture.
The film debuted to a paltry $40 million at the domestic box office, good enough for the weekend’s top spot, but less than projections, and half that of its predecessor.
Amid the early returns, a number of fans took up for the movie and its cinematic depth, in breaking away from
the cookie cutter nature of sequels to introduce a
musical element not present in the first film, with Lady Gaga joining the franchise.
‘Joker 2 was amazing,’ one user said, adding that it was ‘100% as divisive as people are making it out to be.
I love that the film didn’t try to be a traditional sequel, and fully committed to the storytelling they presented.
It never deviated to be a film full of Easter eggs or any other crowd pleasing
Another user said, ‘I kinda loved Joker 2. I loved how it was structured as a meta-exploration of the first film’s fandom
and the musical elements were a lot of fun.’
Tim, 39, who played a guard at Arkham Asylum in the movie, said Todd Philips’s new film has ‘no plot’ and admitted he knew it was ‘going to
bomb’ while filming
He said: ‘It’s the worst film ever made.
It has no plot. We would sit there, me and these other guys and I’d go, ‘What the
f*** is this?’ And they’d go, ‘This is going to bomb, man.’ It’s not even hate-watchable.
That’s how terrible it is’
Despite the negative reviews a number of fans of the sequel took to social media after its release last
month to defend the sequel to Todd Phillips’ 2019 motion picture
One user marvelled that Joker 2 is ‘getting universal hate despite being more
interesting and creative than anything marvel has done in years is expected.’
It comes after lead star Lady Gaga was left ‘disappointed’ at the immense flood
of negative reactions to Joker: Folie à Deux, with the singer’s team
now keen to quickly push out other projects to help distract from the furore over the film, insiders claim.
Todd Phillips‘ sequel has bombed, raking in just under
$40 million at the domestic box office, and receiving the lowest CinemaScore
in comic book movie history.
Gaga, 38, is reportedly confused at the lack of love for her turn as Harleen Lee Quinzel, aka Harley Quinn, alongside Joaquin Phoenix, 49, as the Joker – a role that won him the best actor Oscar
in 2019 – in the wake of the standing ovation it received at the Venice Film
Festival last month.
‘Gaga is surprised by the response to Joker 2 and is shocked that people don’t love it
after the response it received from critics before it premiered,’ a source exclusively told DailyMail.com.
‘She put so much heart into the movie and has so much respect
for the DC comics fan base.’
They added: ‘Her team is quietly looking at other
projects they can roll out as they want to move on this
from as quickly as possible.’
It comes after lead star Lady Gaga was left ‘disappointed’ at the immense flood of negative reactions to Joker:
Folie à Deux, with the singer’s team now keen to quickly push out other projects to help distract from the furor over the film, insiders
But despite the lacklustre reception from fans, a second
source claimed she is not letting it deter her from returning to the big screen, with the
singer said to be eyeing up a Quentin Tarantino movie.
‘She is disappointed that Joker is pretty much a bomb,’ they said.
‘She thought that this film could get her an Oscar nomination, especially since the
first film was such a success and Joaquin won an Oscar.
‘She would now like to land a role in Quentin Tarantino’s next
and final film. Nobody knows what that is going to be,
but she wants to audition.
‘She’s going to lobby hard to get a meeting with him once a script is presented, it is a bucket list moment for
her to be involved.’
Lady Gaga
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Briton Matthew Smith, the partner of former Abercrombie & Fitch
CEO Michael Jeffries, leaves court in Central Islip, New York on December 3, 2024
The partner of the ex-CEO of the Abercrombie and Fitch clothing line pleaded not guilty Tuesday in US federal court to charges of sex trafficking and interstate prostitution and was released on $10 million bond.
Briton Matthew Smith, the ex-CEO Mike Jeffries and their fixer James Jacobson allegedly used a “casting couch” ploy to groom aspiring male
models to attend sex parties at which victims were plied with alcohol and drugs.
After his arrest in October in Florida with Jeffries, Smith was held in custody in New York.
Smith appeared in court Tuesday in Central Islip on Long Island, to the east of New York City.
Smith pleaded not guilty and was released
on a $10 million bond put up by Jeffries and his family, said a statement from the US attorney’s office for
the eastern district of New York.
An AFP photographer saw Smith leave the courthouse with what
appeared to be a large electronic surveillance bracelet attached to his ankle.
Le Britannique Matthew Smith, compagnon de l’ancien patron de l’enseigne américaine de mode
Abercrombie & Fitch, Michael Jeffries, sort du tribunal fédéral de l’est de l’Etat de New York, à Central Islip,
le 3 décembre 2024, après avoir plaidé non coupable
de trafic sexuel et proxénétisme
Another hearing is scheduled for December 10 for
Smith, Jeffries and Jacobson.
Jeffries, 80, was released on a $10 million bond in late October.
Jeffries, who served as CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch from 1992 to 2014, is
accused of creating and maintaining a ring that recruited young men to have sex with him
and Smith.
Prosecutors allege that between December 2008 and March 2015 Jeffries, Smith and
Jacobson used a combination of “force, fraud and coercion”
to traffic men in a sprawling prostitution enterprise.
Charging documents detail 15 anonymous victims, but prosecutors suggest the scale was probably
much larger and have appealed for witnesses and victims to come forward.
Prosecutors say young men were taken to the New York
home of Jeffries and Smith and to hotels in Britain,
France, Italy, Morocco to have sex with them.
Jeffries faces the prospect of life in prison if convicted.
Jacobson also pleaded not guilty to the same charges as the other
defendants and was released on half a million dollars bond in October.
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Wow, this post is nice, my sister is analyzing such things, so I am going to let know her.
Joaquin Phoenix has revealed that he spoke with filmmaker Christopher Nolan about playing Joker
which ultimately went to Heath Ledger.
The 50-year-old actor – whose latest flick Joker:
Folie À Deux could be streamed now – got candid about potentially playing the
supervillain before he actually portrayed him.
Joaquin recently appeared on Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton podcast as he revealed
that he spoke to the 54-year-old Oscar-winning filmmaker Nolan about portraying Joker over a decade before.
He said: That didn’t… wasn’t going to happen for a number of reasons.
I wasn’t ready then.
‘That’s one of those things sometimes where you go: “Why am I not doing this project? What is stopping me from doing this? Well it’s not about me, there’s something else. There’s another person that’s going to do something that’s like, I can’t imagine what it would be if we didn’t have Heath Ledger‘s performance in that film.”‘
Joaquin Phoenix has revealed that he spoke with filmmaker Christopher Nolan about
playing Joker which ultimately went to Heath Ledger
In 2020, Joaquin earned the Best Lead Actor Oscar for Todd Phillips directed Joker which was
11 years after Ledger (pictured) posthumously earned Best Supporting Actor for The
Dark Knight in 2009
Read More
Joker: Folie À Deux heading to streaming after box office flop
In 2020, Joaquin earned the Best Lead Actor Oscar for Todd
Phillips directed Joker which was 11 years after Ledger
posthumously earned Best Supporting Actor for The Dark Knight
in 2009.
Joaquin continued: ‘I don’t know whether Christopher
Nolan was coming to me saying, “You are definitely the person.”
‘I can’t remember the context of how we met.
But I know that we met, and my feeling was, “I shouldn’t do this.” But maybe he also
was like, “You’re not the guy.” I couldn’t say.’
Heath died in a New York City apartment on January 22, 2008, after accidentally overdosing following months
of physical and mental exhaustion.
The Dark Knight actor died aged 28 after taking a fatal cocktail of drugs, leaving behind
his daughter, who was two years old at the time.
Meanwhile Joker: Folie À Deux can now be streamed, just weeks
after its theatrical release.
The movie, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, is now available to
rent from home starting October 29, in an effort to recoup some of Warner Bros.
investment into the film, as per Variety.
The musical, which bombed at the box office, is ‘poised to lose at least $150
million to $200 million in its theatrical run’
according to the publication.
Joaquin recently appeared on Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton podcast as he revealed that he spoke to the 54-year-old Oscar-winning filmmaker Nolan (pictured
in January) about portraying Joker over a decade before
Heath died in a New York City apartment on January 22, 2008, after accidentally overdosing following months of physical and mental exhaustion. Pictured Heath in 2006
Read More
Terrifier 3 dethrones Joker: Folie À Deux as box office champ
The movie studio spent about $200 million to produce the film and about $100 million on marketing
and distribution, according to the report.
It would need to gross about $450 million at the box office to break even — when factoring in the cut taken by theaters —
though Warner Bros. sources claim the number is
$375 million.
A Warner Bros. spokesperson responded to the report,
saying ‘Any estimates suggested by anonymous “insiders” or
“rival executives” are grossly wrong and continues a trend where rumor is reported as fact.’
‘The film continues to play in theatrical release, included with this week’s opening in China,
and will continue to earn revenue throughout its home viewing and ancillary
So far, the musical about Batman’s nemesis
has grossed $51.5 million domestically and $165 million globally
after two weeks of release.
In comparison, the first Joker grossed $96.2 million domestically and $248.4 million globally after three days of release.
The hotly-anticipated sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film was considered a surefire
hit for Warner Bros Pictures, yet ended up being slammed by critics
and failed to ignite at the box office.
Joker: Folie À Deux has garnered the lowest CinemaScore
in comic book movie history as the film bombed at the box office on opening night.
The psychological musical thriller — which has been criticized as ‘bleak’ and ‘disappointing’ — officially released in theaters on Friday, October 4.
Joker: Folie À Deux, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, can be streamed now, just
weeks after its theatrical release; Phoenix and Gaga seen in a still
The movie will be available to rent from home starting October 29, in an effort to recoup some of Warner Bros.
investment into the film, according to Variety
The film is ‘poised to lose at least $150 million to $200 million in its theatrical run’ according to the publication
The sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film was
considered a surefire hit for Warner Bros, yet ended up being slammed by critics and failed to
ignite at the box office
Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the
sequel, which had earned him an Oscar for his portrayal in the 2019 film, while Gaga
took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn)
Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel,
which had earned him an Oscar for his portrayal in the 2019
film, while Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn).
However, Joker: Folie À Deux has been given a D rating
on CinemaScore — the lowest score for a comic book movie.
Madame Web — which notably also flopped in theaters earlier this year and also received terrible reviews — holds a higher score with a C+.
On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently
holds an audience score of 31% and a critic score of 32%.
The sequel has been roundly criticized for being a musical and ‘ignoring’
the DC fanbase – with an agent familiar with director Todd Phillips’ process
telling Variety he ‘wanted nothing to do with DC’ during
the making of the film, with DC bosses James Gunn and Peter Safran notably absent from the film’s LA premiere afterparty last month.
A source said: ‘If the first movie was about some down-on-his-luck, mentally ill guy in a downtrodden city, it makes maybe $150 [million] worldwide.
Not a billion. People showed up because that guy was Joker.’
In an apparent snub by Phillips, the opening sequence of the film does not include a DC Studios logo.
A Warner spokesman added that a DC logo appears at the end of the Joker sequel, while Phillips declined
to comment to the publication.
Several frictions are said to have developed between Phillips,
DC and Warner- with claims that Michael DeLuca, Chairperson of Warner Bros.
Entertainment, and CEO Pamela Abdy seemed ‘unwilling’ to say
no to Phillips due to his huge past successes.
It is claimed Phillips would ‘only’ speak with DeLuca and
Abdy rather than Gunn and Safran – who took control of DC two months
before production began on Joker 2 in December 2022.
Gunn and Safran did attend the first director’s cut screening for the studio but Phillips
fueled rift speculation when he told a reporter: ‘With all due respect to them, this
is kind of a Warner Bros. movie.’
Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav also met
with Phillips shortly after WarnerMedia and Discovery merged in April 2022 and was ‘open to filming in Los Angeles if the director would make
the sequel at a lower price point.’
The studio wanted to film in London which would have cost around 20 per cent less.
A source directly involved with the film recently shared:
‘The one thing about genre stuff: If you don’t listen and pay attention to what the fan expectations are, you’re going to fail’;
director Todd Phillips seen with Gaga and Phoenix at the LA premiere September 30
However, Phillips insisted on filming in LA with the budget remaining static.
A Warner spokesman told the publication the studio ‘supported the decision to film
in Los Angeles’.
A source directly involved with the film said: ‘No one could get through to Todd.
And the one thing about genre stuff: If you don’t listen and pay attention to what the fan expectations are, you’re going to fail.
Insiders also claim studio bosses did not want to premiere
the film at the Venice Film Festival, but Phillips pushed back –
with a Warner spokesman saying the studio ‘fully supported the decision to bring the film to Venice.
Along with Gaga and Phoenix, other stars that had appeared
in the sequel include Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Zazie Beatz and Steve Coogan.
Christopher NolanJoaquin Phoenix
Tree removal in Canberra, Australia, is a regulated activity that involves the
removal of trees from private or public land. The process is governed
by local council regulations, environmental considerations, and specific guidelines designed to preserve the region’s biodiversity and
urban canopy. The key points to consider when it comes to tree removal in Canberra
include the following:
1. Regulations and Permits
In Canberra, tree removal is governed by the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act as well as the Tree Protection Act 2005 and other ACT Government regulations.
Generally, removal of trees on private property may require a permit from the ACT Government’s Environment,
Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD)
if the tree is deemed significant. Significant trees are those that have historical, environmental, or aesthetic value, or if they are part of a heritage listing.
The guidelines aim to prevent the unnecessary loss of trees, particularly those that
contribute to Canberra’s urban forest and ecological health.
For private properties, landowners must contact the local council to determine whether a permit is required.
In some cases, tree removal can be approved if it poses a risk to
structures, human safety, or public health. However,
permits are typically needed for the removal of larger, protected species or trees in certain zones.
2. Reasons for Tree Removal
There are various reasons why trees might need to be removed in Canberra, such as:
Disease or Pest Infestation: Some trees may be infested by pests or affected by
diseases, making them unsafe or unsightly.
Structural Damage: Trees may pose a risk to property or infrastructure, especially if their roots threaten foundations, sidewalks,
or underground utilities.
Safety Concerns: If a tree is dead, decaying, or unstable, it could be
a safety hazard during storms or high winds.
Land Development: Trees may need to be removed for new construction, landscaping
projects, or other developments.
3. Replacement Trees and Mitigation
If a significant tree is removed, it may be required
by the ACT Government to plant a replacement tree or
carry out mitigation measures. The intention is to maintain the ecological balance, support
biodiversity, and preserve Canberra’s green urban spaces. The council
often requires a replacement tree that meets specific size,
species, and planting guidelines to ensure it will thrive.
4. Tree Removal Companies
Tree removal should be performed by a certified arborist
or tree removal company, especially in urban settings where skillful handling is necessary
to avoid damaging surrounding property or people.
These professionals are trained to assess the tree’s health, determine the safest method of removal, and follow local
laws. When hiring a tree removal company in Canberra, it’s important
to ensure they have the necessary insurance, licenses, and qualifications.
5. Environmental Considerations
Canberra has a strong commitment to maintaining its natural environment,
which includes preserving its tree canopy and supporting biodiversity.
Urban trees help with stormwater management, air quality,
cooling effects, and providing habitat for local
wildlife. Tree removal is generally considered a
last resort, with efforts made to save and protect trees wherever possible.
6. Cost of Tree Removal
The cost of tree removal in Canberra can vary depending on several factors, including the size
of the tree, its location (proximity to structures or power lines),
and the complexity of the removal. Costs can also be influenced by whether the tree requires
additional work, such as stump grinding, debris removal,
or site restoration.
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Oh, dude, Santa totally supports the North Pole Reindeers.
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Football – Soccer
What is the average pay for a female footballer in England?
Asked by Wiki User
O salário de uma jogadora de futebol na Inglaterra pode variar bastante
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Football – Soccer
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Asked by Wiki User
Oh, dude, who cares? It’s 2021, let people live their lives.
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Football – Soccer
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